The following input parameters are common to all the EC modules. All parameters, except for NANTECH and DTECH, are arrays and values must be provided for each gyrotron.
- Number of gyrotrons. A maximum of 10 gyrotrons is allowed, the default is NANTECH=1.
- Frequency of calls to GENRAY. Note that, if other sources are used, or if DTBEAM is defined, TRANSP uses DTBEAM, because the time step for the sources is unique.
- Time when ECRH is turned on. This is overwritten if the PREECP/EXTECP UFILE with power information is provided.
- Time when ECRH is turned off. This is overwritten if the PREECP/EXTECP UFILE is provided.
- Power to the plasma (Watts). This is overwritten if the PREECP/EXTECP UFILE is provided
- Frequency of the injected wave (Hz).
- Radial coordinate, with respect to the torus axis, of the launching point (cm).
- Vertical coordinate, with respect to the midplane, of the launching point (cm).
- Toroidal angle location of source (NOT the aiming angle, see PHAIECH). This has no effect on axisymmetric simulation.
- Polar launching angle of the central ray (degrees), calculated with respect to the positive Z axis. THETECH=90.0 points horizontally, THETECH=180.0 points downwards. This is an updatable parameter in the namelist, which is overwritten if the PREECA/EXTECA UFILE with polar aiming angle vs time is provided.
- Azimuthal launch angle of the central ray (degrees). This is an updatable parameter in the namelist, which is overwritten if the PREECB/EXTECB UFILE with azimuthal aiming angle vs time is provided.
- For PHAIECH=0.0, the horizontal component of the ray points in the +R direction, away from the machine axis of symmetry. For PHAIECH=180.0, the horizontal component points in the -R direction, towards the machine axis of symmetry. For PHAIECH=90.0, the horizontal component is in the +Phi direction, pointing CCW around the machine axis when the machine is viewed from above. PHAIECH=270.0 or -90.0 yields a horizontal component in the -Phi direction. This would be the direction to yield CCW current drive (CW motion of electrons).
- Fraction of power launched in O-mode. Set equal to 0 for X-mode polarization and equal to 1 for O-mode polarization.
- Damping model for each antenna: Default value is 2. Specify negative NDAMPECH values in TRANSP namelist to avoid the User's choice to be overridden.