MMM Library Documentation


Public Definitions

The MMM module mmm_main makes the following public definitions available via the compiled library file libmmm.a. The statement Use mmm_main is required to access the public definitions in this section. The current version of MMM can be referenced using the public character MMM_VERSION.

Public Subroutines

Two public subroutines are specified by the MMM module: fortran Public :: mmm ! Main subroutine Public :: set_mmm_switches ! Specify real and integer switch options (Optional) Each of these subroutine calls will be explained in greater detail below (see MMM Subroutine). Note that the main subroutine mmm can be called without calling set_mmm_switches beforehand, which will run MMM using default options (see Model Options).

Module Dimensions

Public parameters are used to specify the size of various arrays used by MMM: fortran Integer, Parameter, Public :: & MMM_NCH = 6, & ! Number of transport channels MMM_NFREQ = 2, & ! Number of frequency channels MMM_NMODE = 5, & ! Number of internal models + 1 MMM_NOPT = 20 ! Maximum number of internal switch options per model These parameters should be referenced by external codes using MMM for array initialization.

Transport Channel Identifiers

fortran Integer, Parameter, Public :: & MMM_KTI = 1, & ! Thermal Ion MMM_KTE = 2, & ! Thermal Electron MMM_KNE = 3, & ! Particle Electron MMM_KNZ = 4, & ! Particle Impurity MMM_KVT = 5, & ! Toroidal Velocity MMM_KVP = 6 ! Poloidal Velocity

These parameters should be referenced by external codes when reading MMM output variables.

Frequency Channel Identifiers

fortran Integer, Parameter, Public :: & MMM_KION = 1, & ! Ion Direction MMM_KELC = 2 ! Electron Direction

These parameters should be referenced by external codes when reading W20 output frequencies.

Model Identifiers

Public parameters are also used to reference each model K<MODEL> within MMM: fortran Integer, Parameter, Public :: & MMM_KW20 = 1, & ! Weiland (W20) MMM_KDBM = 2, & ! Drift-Resistive-Inertial Ballooning Modes (DBM) MMM_KETGM = 3, & ! Electron Temperature Gradient Modes (ETGM) MMM_KMTM = 4, & ! Microtearing Modes (MTM) MMM_KMMM = 5, & ! All Models (MMM) These model identifiers should be referenced by external codes using MMM when specifying internal switch values, as model integer values are subject to change in future updates.

Input Options

Model Weights

Model weights are specified by the optional input array cmodel of dimension (MMM_NMODE) (see Module Dimensions), where array indices should be referenced using the Model Identifiers. Setting the weight of any model to 0 will disable that model. All models are enabled by default.

Model Options

Real and Integer options are passed in via the optional input arrays rswitch and iswitch, respectively, with dimensions (MMM_NOPT,MMM_NMODE) (see Module Dimensions). These arrays can be initialized with default values by making the following subroutine call: fortran CALL set_mmm_switches(rswitch=rswitch, iswitch=iswitch) Afterwards, values can be modified as needed before passing these arrays into MMM via the main subroutine call. The first dimension here corresponds to the model identifier K<MODEL> (see Model Identifiers), and the second dimension corresponds to the option index <INDEX>. For further reference on this subroutine call and how to edit the values of model options, please see the included files wrapper/mmm_wrapper.f90 and wrapper/input.dat.

The following sections provide tables of real and integer switch options, along with their default values, for each of the models in MMM: - Model Options (Real) - Model Options (Integer)

Model Options (Real)

Real options are specified by rswitch(K<MODEL>, <INDEX>).

Model Index Default Description
MMM 1 100 max |xti| (Diffusivities)
2 100 max |xte|
3 100 max |xne|
4 100 max |xnz|
5 100 max |xvt|
6 100 max |xvp|
7 5D4 max |vti| (Convective Velocities)
8 5D4 max |vte|
9 5D4 max |vne|
10 5D4 max |vnz|
11 5D4 max |vvt|
12 5D4 max |vvp|
W20 1 1 E×B shear coefficient
2 0.5 Max diffusivity coefficient
3 1 Max convective velocity coefficient
4 0.316 kyρs
DBM 1 1 E×B shear coefficient
2 0.5 Max diffusivity coefficient
3 0.05 kyρs Scan: Lower bound
4 0.30 kyρs Scan: Upper bound
ETGM 1 1 E×B shear coefficient
2 0.25 Max diffusivity coefficient
3 1 kyρs Scan: Lower bound
4 50 kyρs Scan: Upper bound
MTM 1 0.25 Max diffusivity coefficient
2 0.005 kyρs Scan: Lower bound
3 10 kyρs Scan: Upper bound

[!Note] - Max diffusivities are in units of m2/s, and max convective velocities are in units of m/s. - The max diffusivity of each individual model is determined by multiplying the MMM max diffusivity by the max diffusivity coefficient of that model. - Diffusivities and convective velocities should only be limited if the associated solver (e.g. PT Solver) struggles with large values.

Model Options (Integer)

Integer options are specified by iswitch(K<MODEL>, <INDEX>).

Model Index Default Description
MMM 1 1 Separate diffusivity and convective velocity (1: True, 0: False)
2 1 Convert negative diffusivity to convective velocity
3 1 Allow negative diffusivity output
4 1 Modify diffusivity using solver gradients
5 1 Limit large diffusivity due to small gradients
W20 1 0 [Effective shear definition] 0: Use elong, 1: Use gxi
DBM 1 0 [Model] 0: Default, 1: Alternate
2 1 [Frequency search direction] 0: Any, 1: Electron, -1: Ion
3 0 [Mode handling] 0: Most unstable mode, 1: Sum modes
4 7 Number of ky modes (7 minimum), 0: Disable ky scan
ETGM 1 0 [Model] 0: Default, 1: Alternate, 2: Horton
2 1 [Jenko threshold (Horton)] 1: Electrostatic, 2: Electromagnetic
3 0 [Frequency search direction] 0: Any, 1: Electron, -1: Ion
4 0 [Mode handling] 0: Most unstable mode, 1: Sum modes
5 7 Number of ky modes (7 minimum), 0: Disable ky scan
MTM 1 200 Number of ky modes (200 minimum), 0: Disable ky scan

[!Note] - Separating diffusive and convective components currently only applies to W20 contributions. - Allowing negative diffusivity output has no effect when negative diffusivity is converted to convective velocity. - Negative diffusivities will only be modified in the total diffusivity output array diff. The optional component diffusivity outputs are not modified. - Modifying diffusivity using solver gradients should not change flux output. Convective velocity output may change if negative diffusivities are converted to convective velocities. - Limiting large diffusivity due to small gradients should only result in negligible changes to effective flux. - When summing modes in DBM or ETGM, the ky mode count should be increased to at least 50. - When disabling the ky scan in DBM, ETGM, or MTM, the lower kyρs bound is used as the single kyρs value.

Input Variables

All input variables can be derived from TRANSP CDF output files. See the CDF Input documentation for more details.

Input Scalars

There are two single-point (non-array) input variables:

# Name Symbol Description Units
1 z_rmaj0 $R_0$ Major radius of plasma on axis m
2 z_amin $a$ Minor radius of plasma at edge m

Input Arrays

The majority of input variables for MMM are plasma profiles. All of the one-dimensional arrays listed below are defined on flux surfaces call radial points or zone boundaries, where the transport is to be computed. The number of radial points is given by the input argument npoints. Since MMM has been written as a local code, the value npoints = 1 is allowed.

# Name Symbol Description Units
3 z_rmin $r$ Half-width of the magnetic surface m
4 z_rmaj $R$ Major radius to geometric center of the magnetic surface m
5 z_elong $\kappa$ Local elongation -
6 z_ne $n_{\rm e}$ Thermal electron density m-3
7 z_nh $n_{\rm h}$ Thermal hydrogenic ion density m-3
8 z_nz $n_{\rm z}$ Thermal impurity ion density m-3
9 z_nf $n_{\rm f}$ Fast ion density (non-thermal) m-3
10 z_te $T_{\rm e}$ Thermal electron temperature keV
11 z_ti $T_{\rm i}$ Thermal ion temperature keV
12 z_q $q$ Safety factor -
13 z_bu $B_{\rm u}$ Effective magnetic field T
14 z_btor $B_{\phi}$ Toroidal magnetic field T
15 z_bpol $B_{\theta}$ Poloidal magnetic field T
16 z_dbp $dB_{\theta} / dr$ 1st derivative of poloidal magnetic field T / m
17 z_d2bp $d^2B_{\theta}/ dr^2$ 2nd derivative of poloidal magnetic field T / m2
18 z_zeff $Z_{\rm eff}$ Effective charge -
19 z_zz $Z_{\rm z}$ Mean charge of impurities -
20 z_az $M_{\rm z}$ Mean atomic mass of impurities u
21 z_ah $M_{\rm h}$ Mean atomic mass of hydrogenic ions u
22 z_wexb $\omega_{\rm E\times B}$ E×B shearing rate s-1
23 z_gne $g_{\rm ne}$ Normalized electron density gradient -
24 z_gnh $g_{\rm nh}$ Normalized hydrogenic ion density gradient -
25 z_gnz $g_{\rm nz}$ Normalized impurity density gradient -
26 z_gte $g_{\rm Te}$ Normalized electron temperature gradient -
27 z_gti $g_{\rm Ti}$ Normalized ion temperature gradient -
28 z_gq $g_{\rm q}$ Normalized safety factor gradient -
29 z_gbu $g_{\rm Bu}$ Normalized effective magnetic field gradient -
30 z_vtor $v_{\phi}$ Toroidal velocity m/s
31 z_vpol $v_{\theta}$ Poloidal velocity m/s
32 z_vpar $v_{\parallel}$ Parallel velocity m/s
33 z_gvtor $g_{\rm v\phi}$ Normalized toroidal velocity gradient -
34 z_gvpol $g_{\rm v\theta}$ Normalized poloidal velocity gradient -
35 z_gvpar $g_{\rm v\parallel}$ Normalized parallel velocity gradient -
36 z_gxi $\nabla\hat{\rho}$ Zone boundary gradient m-1

Optional Input Arrays

Input variables that are not required to run MMM.

# Name Symbol Description Units
37 z_etanc $\eta_{\rm nc}$ Neoclassical resistivity Ωm
38 z_gelong $\kappa^\prime$ 1st derivative of elongation w.r.t. inverse aspect ratio -
39 zgtisolver $g_{\rm Te,\ solver}$ Normalized electron temperature gradient -
40 zgtesolver $g_{\rm Ti,\ solver}$ Normalized ion temperature gradient -
41 zgnesolver $g_{\rm ne,\ solver}$ Normalized electron density gradient -
42 zgnzsolver $g_{\rm nz,\ solver}$ Normalized impurity temperature gradient -
43 zgvtsolver $g_{\rm v\phi,\ solver}$ Normalized toroidal velocity gradient -
44 zgvpsolver $g_{\rm v\theta,\ solver}$ Normalized poloidal velocity gradient -

[!NOTE] - zgelong is required to run ETGM when the Horton model is selected. - zetanc is only used in DBM, but is not required to run this model. - Solver gradients are used to convert MMM diffusivity to solver diffusivity to keep flux consistent between MMM and the associated solver.

Output Variables

Output Channels

MMM calculates transport for six channels, defined by MMM_NCH (see Module Dimensions):

Channel Description Identifier
1 Ion Thermal MMM_KTI
2 Electron Thermal MMM_KTE
3 Electron Particle MMM_KNE
4 Impurity Particle MMM_KNZ
5 Toroidal Momentum MMM_KVT
6 Poloidal Momentum MMM_KVP

Total Diffusivity

Diffusivities are returned as the array diff with dimensions (MMM_NCH, npoints):

Name Channel Symbol Units Description
flux 1 $\chi_{\rm i}$ m2/s Ion thermal diffusivity
2 $\chi_{\rm e}$ m2/s Electron thermal diffusivity
3 $\chi_{\rm n}$ m2/s Electron particle diffusivity
4 $\chi_{\rm z}$ m2/s Impurity particle diffusivity
5 $\chi_{\rm \phi}$ m2/s Toroidal momentum diffusivity
6 $\chi_{\rm \theta}$ m2/s Poloidal momentum diffusivity

Convective Velocity

Convective velocities are returned as the array vconv with dimensions (MMM_NCH, npoints):

Name Channel Symbol Units Description
vconv 1 $V_{\rm i}$ m/s Ion thermal convective velocity
2 $V_{\rm e}$ m/s Electron thermal convective velocity
3 $V_{\rm n}$ m/s Electron particle convective velocity
4 $V_{\rm z}$ m/s Impurity particle convective velocity
5 $V_{\rm \phi}$ m/s Toroidal momentum pinch
6 $V_{\rm \theta}$ m/s Poloidal momentum pinch

Effective Flux

Effective flux includes both diffusive and convective contributions. It is returned as the array flux with dimensions (MMM_NCH, npoints):

Name Channel Symbol Units Description
flux 1 $\Gamma_{\rm i}$ keV m/s Ion thermal flux
2 $\Gamma_{\rm e}$ keV m/s Electron thermal flux
3 $\Gamma_{\rm n}$ m-2 Electron particle flux
4 $\Gamma_{\rm z}$ m-2 Impurity ion particle flux
5 $\Gamma_{\rm \phi}$ m2/s2 Toroidal momentum flux
6 $\Gamma_{\rm \theta}$ m2/s2 Poloidal momentum flux

Error Tracking

Errors are counted using the variable nerr, which can be used to help verify output results. Such errors denote serious issues with the eigenvalue solver and are not expected. Please contact Tariq Rafiq immediately if any errors are encountered.

Output Variables (Components)

Each model in MMM returns its individual diffusivities, real frequencies, and growth rates (when applicable) as optional output variables. In addition, models may also return additional output variables that can be viewed for diagnostic purposes. All output variables listed in this section have dimension (npoints), unless otherwise specified.

W20 Outputs

The Weiland model outputs individual diffusivities corresponding to the first three output channels (see Output Channels). However, since no other models contribute to the diffusivities of the last three output channels, these total diffusivities are also the component diffusivities of the Weiland model.

The growth rate and real frequency of the Weiland model has dimension (MMM_NFREQ, npoints), as the complex frequency is calculated and returned for both the most unstable ion mode and the most unstable electron mode.

Name Units Description
xtiW20 m2/s Ion thermal diffusivity
xteW20 m2/s Electron thermal diffusivity
xneW20 m2/s Electron particle diffusivity
gammaW20(MMM_KION, :) s-1 Growth rate of the most unstable ion mode
gammaW20(MMM_KELC, :) s-1 Growth rate of the most unstable electron mode
omegaW20(MMM_KION, :) s-1 Real frequency of the most unstable ion mode
omegaW20(MMM_KELC, :) s-1 Real frequency of the most unstable electron mode
kyrhosW20(MMM_KION, :) - $k{\rm y}\rho{\rm s}$ for ion modes
kyrhosW20(MMM_KELC, :) - $k{\rm y}\rho{\rm s}$ for electron modes

DBM Outputs

Name Units Description
xtiDBM m2/s Ion thermal diffusivity
xteDBM m2/s Electron thermal diffusivity
xneDBM m2/s Electron particle diffusivity
gammaDBM s-1 Growth rate of the most unstable mode
omegaDBM s-1 Real frequency of the most unstable mode
kyrhosDBM - $k{\rm y}\rho{\rm s}$ of the most unstable mode

ETGM Outputs

Name Units Description
xteETGM m2/s Electron thermal diffusivity
gammaETGM s-1 Growth rate of the most unstable mode
omegaETGM s-1 Real frequency of the most unstable mode
kyrhosETGM - $k{\rm y}\rho{\rm s}$ of the most unstable mode

MTM Outputs

Name Units Description
xteMTM m2/s Electron thermal diffusivity
gammaMTM s-1 Growth rate of the most unstable mode
omegaMTM s-1 Real frequency of the most unstable mode
kyrhosMTM - $k{\rm y}\rho{\rm s}$ of the most unstable mode
dbsqMTM - $|\delta B/B|^2$ profile