Neutrals from gas inflow can be specified in 1D UFILES. These represent the ionized source [ions/second], thus neutrals escaping the plasma are entirely reflected back into the plasma. If no UFILE is provided, the gas inflow is assumed to be ZERO.
If NRCYOPT=2 charge exchange neutrals exiting the plasma are instead assumed to be 100% lost and the net ion source is reduced compared to the neutral source. If a global particle confinement time is specified in the namelist, an extra recycling source is introduced to satisfy the particle balance equation.
can be provided as species-specific UFILEs.NLRCYC=.T.
UFILEs for the total recycling ion source, summed over isotopes with atomic number equal to XZRCYC
must also be provided.
IMPORTANT: The gasflow ion source number is not simply related to the gas flow (atoms/sec) at a valve far away from the plasma. An analysis of neutral transport
across the plasma scrape-off-layer plasma (which is not included in TRANSP) will be needed to convert valve data to an estimate of the main plasma total ion source rate.
Similarly, TRANSP cannot convert Hα measurements to main plasma recycling ion source rates. This analysis must be done offline.