Pellet injection events are specified through the namelist.
: pellet ablation model idenfitier [hydrogenic 0-5, impurity 10-11]
: number of pellet eventsTPEL
: list of NPEL pellet event times in ascending order of timeAPEL
: species (atomic weight) of injected pellet (e.g. 2.0 for
deuterium); enter a number for each pellet. APEL
values must be drawn from the following sets:
{1.0, 2.0, 3.0} -- isotopes of Hydrogen
{6.0, 7.0} -- isotopes of Lithium
: fraction of pellet which is the 2nd specie.
: Atomic weight of 2nd specie. Values legal for APEL are legal for APEL2 as well. APEL(j) and APEL2(j) should be distinct.
Note: current pellet ablation module does not support multi-specie pellets. It will eventually be reintroduced.
If a TRANSP run includes pellet injection then, for each pellet, a
"hazard time interval" should be input to TRDAT to specify the time
range about the pellet injection time during which none of the UFILE
input data should be trusted. TRDAT will extrapolate all UFILE data
forward/back to the pellet time(s) based on data values and time
derivatives at the endpoints of the hazard interval(s)-- except as
modified, cf section on event_handling.
In the TRDAT namelist,
: LAST VALID TIME for input UFILE data PRECEDING injection of the Jth PELLET
: FIRST VALID TIME for input UFILE data FOLLOWING injection of the Jth PELLET