Important: by default, GENRAY uses a template stored in the TRANSP repository. However, users can have their own template and select different options for the model used for current drive and for heating, as well as different dispersion relations. Users are referred to the GENRAY documentation maintained by CompX for use of the code and for details on the physics included.

To use a different template, provide the path to the desired file in the TRANSP namelist, LH section, as follows:
GENRAY_LHH_TEMPLATE='the path to your genray template'
When TRDAT runs, it will process this template and use it, instead of the default template.

To define a template for CQL3D, provide the path to the desired file in the TRANSP namelist, LH section, as follows:
CQL3D_LHH_TEMPLATE='the path to your CQL3D template'. In addition, define the internal time step for CQL3D CQL3D_LH_DELTAT, such that an integer number of step fit between two calls to GENRAY.

If modeling multiple antennae, additional parameters need to be defined in the TRANSP namelist, to ensure that these values are passed to GENRAY from TRANSP.

Number of antennae.
Frequency of calls to GENRAY. Note that, if other sources are used, or if DTBEAM is defined, TRANSP uses DTBEAM, because the time step for the sources is unique.
Time when LH is turned on/off. This is an array of size (nantlh). These values are overwritten when the power is input from UFILE.
Frequency of the LH source in Hz. This is an array of size (nantlh).
Power delivered by each antenna in Watt.
Number of spectrum peaks for each antenna
Left and right limits of each spectrum peak. This depends on the model used in GENRAY for the peak, either a gaussian representation or a sinh representation. These are arrays of size (NSPECTRUMLH,NANTLH).
The fraction of power on each peak. The sum over all peaks must be one for each antenna. This is an array of size (NSPECTRUMLH,NANTLH).
Fraction of radius (sqt of normalized toroidal flux) where simulations start. This is an array of size (NSPECTRUMLH,NANTLH).
Poloidal location of each antenna (degrees). This is an array of size NANTLH
Height of the antenna in meters. This is an array of size NANTLH
Number of section in each antenna. This is in practice the number of locations along the poloidal direction from which rays are launched.
Number or rays associated with each peak. Hint: use more rays for the peaks that carry higher power fraction. This is an array of size (NSPECTRUMLH,NANTLH).