Convention on the EC injection angles

TRANSP uses the following convention for the azimuthal and poloidal injection angle of EC waves, for a given cyclindrical system (R,Z,phi).

specifies the vertical or poloidal angle of rays relative to the positive Z axis.
THETECH=0.0 → the rays are pointing vertically straight up (regardless of the value of PHAIECH).
THETECH=90.0 → the rays are pointing on the horizontal plane, direction within that plane is set by PHAIECH.
THETECH=180.0 → the rays are pointing vertically straight down (regardless of PHAIECH).
PHAIECH specifies the toroidal aiming angle. If THETECH is not 0 or 180 degrees, the ray has a horizontal component and PHAIECH controls the direction of this component.
PHAIECH=0 → the horizontal component points in the +R direction, away from the machine axis of symmetry.
PHAIECH=180 → the horizontal component points in the -R direction, towards the machine axis of symmetry.
PHAIECH=90 → the horizontal component is in the ф direction.
PHAIECH=-90 (270) → the horizontal component is in the -ф direction.

NOTE: since the current is driven by electrons, for a given right-handed system an aiming angle along the ф correspond to a current along the -ф direction. Make sure that you check the direction of the plasma current and magnetic toroidal field.