!===================================================================== ! ELECTRON CYCLOTRON HEATING !===================================================================== ! settings common to all EC modules NANTECH = 6 ! Number of gyrotrons ! timestep for EC calculations (seconds) ! important: if using also NUBEAM make sure that DTTOR=DTBEAM DTTOR = 0.01 ! Major radius of each gyrotron source (cm) XECECH(1) = 240.0 XECECH(2) = 240.0 XECECH(3) = 240.0 XECECH(4) = 240.0 XECECH(5) = 240.0 XECECH(6) = 240.0 ! ! Elevation above midplane of each gyrotron source (cm) ZECECH(1) = 67.9 ZECECH(2) = 67.9 ZECECH(3) = 67.9 ZECECH(4) = 67.9 ZECECH(5) = 67.9 ZECECH(6) = 67.9 ! Each gyrotron frequency in Hz (if not using UFILE) FREQECH(1) = 1.10E+11 FREQECH(2) = 1.10E+11 FREQECH(3) = 1.10E+11 FREQECH(4) = 1.10E+11 FREQECH(5) = 1.10E+11 FREQECH(6) = 1.10E+11 ! Toroidal angle of gyrotron source (deg). ! Has no impact on axisymmetric plasma PHECECH = 0.0 ! ! time when the EC is turned on. ! This is overwritten by the time traces in the UFILES TECHON(1) = 1.001 TECHON(2) = 0.351 TECHON(3) = 0.251 TECHON(4) = 1.501 TECHON(5) = 0.551 TECHON(6) = 0.551 ! ! time when the EC is turned off. ! This is overwritten by the time traces in the UFILES TECHOFF(1) = 5.498 TECHOFF(2) = 5.348 TECHOFF(3) = 5.248 TECHOFF(4) = 5.498 TECHOFF(5) = 5.548 ! ! Power on each gyrotron [Watt] ! Note: the numbers here are examples. POWECH(1) = 1.0E+06 POWECH(2) = 1.0E+06 POWECH(3) = 1.0E+06 POWECH(4) = 1.0E+06 POWECH(5) = 1.0E+06 POWECH(6) = 1.0E+06 ! ! To provide power via UFILES, add these lines in the namelist PREECP = ‘’ EXTECP = ‘’ ! ! ! Polar launch angle of central ray (deg). ! These values are overwritten by UFILES, if provided ! These numbers are examples, check the angle in the plasma shot you are analyzing THETECH(1) = 106.2 THETECH(2) = 111.5 THETECH(3) = 118.5 THETECH(4) = 108.9 THETECH(5) = 114.3 THETECH(6) = 114.3 ! ! To provide the polar angle via UFILES, add these lines in the namelist PREECA = ‘’ EXTECA = ‘’ ! Azimuthal launch angle of central ray (deg). Zero is +R major radius ! These values are overwritten by UFILES, if provided ! These numbers are examples, check the angle in the plasma shot you are analyzing PHAIECH(1) = 193.2 PHAIECH(2) = 193.0 PHAIECH(3) = 190.0 PHAIECH(4) = 193.1 PHAIECH(5) = 193.0 PHAIECH(6) = 193.0 ! To provide the azimuthal angle via UFILES, add these lines in the namelist PREECB = ‘’ EXTECB = ‘’ ! ! ! Fraction of EC power in O-mode (DIII-D is using X-mode, so this should be =0) RFMODECH(1) = 0.0 RFMODECH(2) = 0.0 RFMODECH(3) = 0.0 RFMODECH(4) = 0.0 RFMODECH(5) = 0.0 RFMODECH(6) = 0.0 ! ! settings for TORBEAM ! in addition to the common settings, TORBEAM needs the following NLTORBEAM = .T NLTORBEAM_VERBOSE = .F ! T. to write files for running standalone (usually not needed) NTOB_NPROFVW = 25 NTOB_MMAX = 159 NHARMTOR = 2 ! to calculate up to the second harmonics NLAUNCHECH = 0 ! if the angles above are to be interpreted with the TRANSP convention (recommended for direct comparison with TORAY and GENRAY) ! initial principal horizontal beam width ECB_WIDTH_HOR(1) = 2.427 ECB_WIDTH_HOR(2) = 2.427 ECB_WIDTH_HOR(3) = 2.427 ECB_WIDTH_HOR(4) = 2.427 ECB_WIDTH_HOR(5) = 2.427 ECB_WIDTH_HOR(6) = 2.427 ! initial principal vertical beam width ECB_WIDTH_VERT(1)= 2.427 ECB_WIDTH_VERT(2)= 2.427 ECB_WIDTH_VERT(3)= 2.427 ECB_WIDTH_VERT(4)= 2.427 ECB_WIDTH_VERT(5)= 2.427 ECB_WIDTH_VERT(6)= 2.427 ! initial principal horizontal curvature ECB_CURV_HOR(1) = -5592 ECB_CURV_HOR(2) = -5592 ECB_CURV_HOR(3) = -5592 ECB_CURV_HOR(4) = -5592 ECB_CURV_HOR(5) = -5592 ECB_CURV_HOR(6) = -5592 ! initial principal vertical curvature ECB_CURV_VERT(1)= -5592 ECB_CURV_VERT(2)= -5592 ECB_CURV_VERT(3)= -5592 ECB_CURV_VERT(4)= -5592 ECB_CURV_VERT(5)= -5592 ECB_CURV_VERT(6)= -5592 ! settings for TORAY ! in addition to the common settings, TORAY-GA needs the following NLTORAY = .T. ! to use TORAY ! Damping model NDAMPECH(1)=8 NDAMPECH(2)=8 NDAMPECH(3)=8 NDAMPECH(4)=8 NDAMPECH(5)=8 NDAMPECH(6)=8 ! Fraction of EC power launched in O-mode ! Number of rays NRAYECH(1) = 30 NRAYECH(2) = 30 NRAYECH(3) = 30 NRAYECH(4) = 30 NRAYECH(5) = 30 NRAYECH(6) = 30 ! divergence of beam (at the resonance location) BHALFECH(1) = 1.7 BHALFECH(2) = 1.7 BHALFECH(3) = 1.7 BHALFECH(4) = 1.7 BHALFECH(5) = 1.7 BHALFECH(6) = 1.7 ! beam aspect ratio BSRATECH(1) = 1.0 BSRATECH(2) = 1.0 BSRATECH(3) = 1.0 BSRATECH(4) = 1.0 BSRATECH(5) = 1.0 BSRATECH(6) = 1.0 ! multiplier for the ECCD, applied to the EC output EFFECH(1) = 1.0 EFFECH(2) = 1.0 EFFECH(3) = 1.0 EFFECH(4) = 1.0 EFFECH(5) = 1.0 EFFECH(6) = 1.0 ! settings for GENRAY ! in addition to the common settings, GENRAY needs the following NLGEN_ECH = .T. ! to use GENRAY NGENRAY_PSERVE = 0 ! 1 to use MPI GENRAY